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2018.01-2022.02   博士学位,主修生物医药,中华医药研究院/中药质量研究国家重点实验室,澳门大学。

2015.07-2016.12   硕士学位,主修生物工程,生化工程学院,英国谢菲尔德大学。

2014.06-2015.06   学士学位,主修食品科学与工程,食品学院,英国提赛德大学。

2011.09-2014.06   学士学位,主修食品科学与工程,食品学院,武汉轻工大学。




Chen Y L, Wang S P, Wang Y T. Role of herbal medicine for prevention and treatment of migraine. Phytotherapy Research, 2021. (IF:5.882)

Chen Y L,* Vong C T,* Zhong Z F, Wang S P, Wang Y T. Advances in the phytochemistry and pharmacology of plant-derived phthalides. Phytomedicine, 2021. (Under review)

Vong C T,* Chen Y L,* Chen Z J, Gao C F, Yang F Q, Wang Y T. Classical prescription Dachuanxiong Formula delays nitroglycerin-induced pain response in migraine mice through reducing endothelin-1 level and regulating fatty acid biosynthesis. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2021. (IF:4.360)

Chen Y L, Wang S P, Wang Y T. Analgesic effect of Foshousan oil-loaded chitosan-alginate nanoparticles on treatment of migraine. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2021. (Preparing)

Chen Y L, Wang S P, Wang Y T. Migraine interacted with gut microbiota: Role of brain-gut axis. the Journal of Headache and Pain, 2021. (Preparing)

中国专利:一种治疗偏头痛的纳米乳制剂及其制备方法与应用 (申请号:CN 202111285758.0